Saturday, June 18, 2016

31-Use a Beauty to Ensnare a Man

Use a Beauty to Ensnare a Man
 The honey trap. Beauty Trap (RM).
Provide alluring distractions.
៣១. ល្បិចស្រីស្អាត
  1.  នៅក្នុងសៀវភៅ យុទ្ធសាស្ត្រ ៣៦ បានពន្យល់ថា ប្រសិនបើជាកម្លាំងសត្រូវរបស់អ្នកខ្លាំងក្លា បន្ទាប់មកអ្នកគួរតែព្យាយាមចំណាយពេលវេលានៅជាមួយនឹងមេទ័ពរបស់សត្រូវ។ប្រសិនបើជាមេទ័ពរបស់សត្រូវមានប្រាជ្ញាឆ្លាតវៃ ដូច្នេះអ្នកគួរតែបង្កបញ្ហាទាក់ទងនឹងផ្លូវចិត្ត និង ស្មារតីដល់សត្រូវ។ក្នុងយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រមួយនេះបានចាក់ឫសនៅក្នុងការពន្យល់មួយចំនួនដែលដៃគូរបស់យើងបានប្រើប្រាស់ស្រីស្អាតដើម្បីបង្កការមិនចុះសម្រុងគ្នា។ ចំណុចសំខាន់នៅក្នុងយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រមួយនេះ គឺយើងត្រូវតែទាញយកផលប្រយោជន៍ជាច្រើនតាមរយៈការចាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់ដៃគូ ដើម្បីធ្វើឲ្យគេទន់ខ្សោយ និង មានកំហុស។
  2.  ជាឧទាហរណ៍ ក្នុងការប្រើប្រាស់ថ្នាំគីមីដោយការប្រលែងសត្វល្អិតញីដើម្បីបោកបញ្ឆោតសត្វល្អិតឈ្មោលឲ្យចូលក្នុងអន្ទាក់ ឫក៏ពុល។នៅក្នុងយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រមួយនេះ យើងប្រើប្រាស់សម្រស់ក្នុងការទាក់ទាញសត្រូវ ឫក៏ធ្វើឲ្យសត្រូវមិនចុះសម្រុងគ្នា។យើងអាចបញ្ជួនស្រីស្អាតៗទៅឲ្យសត្រូវដើម្បីធ្វើឲ្យសត្រូវមិនមានភាពចុះសម្រុងគ្នា។ សត្រូវប្រុសៗនឹងត្រូវបានគេបន្លែបន្លប់ និង សត្រូវស្រីៗនឹងមានចិត្តប្រច័ណ្ឌ។យើងអាចទាញយកផលប្រយោជន៍ពីស្ថានភាពដែលមិនចុះសម្រុងគ្នានេះ តាមរយៈការវាយប្រហារ។
กลยุทธ์ที่ 31 สาวงาม
กลยุทธ์สาวงาม หรือ เหม่ยเหรินจี้ (อังกฤษ: The beauty trap; จีนตัวย่อ: 美人计; จีนตัวเต็ม: 美人計; พินอิน: Měi rén jì) เป็นกลยุทธ์ที่มีความหมายถึงการกำจัดศัตรูที่มีกำลังเข้มแข็ง ในการทำศึกสงครามจำต้องหาหนทางกำจัดแม่ทัพเสียก่อน หากปล่อยไว้จะเป็นภัยในภายหน้า ต่อแม่ทัพที่มีความเฉลียวฉลาด สติปัญญาเป็นเลิศ ชำนาญตำราพิชัยสงคราม รอบรู้ภูมิประเทศและจุดยุทธศาสตร์ เก่งกาจในเชิงยุทธ์ จักต้องโจมตีจุดอ่อนทางใจให้มีอุปสรรค ส่วนแม่ทัพที่หย่อนย่อท้อแท้ กำลังทหารไพร่พลที่กำลังถดถอย ก็จักอ่อนแอแลเสื่อมโทรมพ่ายแพ้ไปเอง ตัวอย่างการนำเอากลยุทธ์สาวงามไปใช้ได้แก่อ้องอุ้นที่วางกลอุบายทำลายความสัมพันธ์ของตั๋งโต๊ะและลิโป้บุตรบุญธรรมด้วยการยกเตียวเสี้ยนให้เป็นภรรยา ทำให้ทั้งสองฝ่ายผิดใจกันจนเป็นเหตุให้ลิโป้ฆ่าตั๋งโต๊ะ

31. Beauty trap

The "Beauty Trap" is the oldest stratagem in the book: use prostitutes to distract the military commander, drug him, or get information from him. The French Resistance in WWII, called the FFI, used this ploy with great success. They employed prostitutes loyal to France who were willing to sleep with Nazi commanders, do anything they wanted, and thus gain information during pillow talk. The prostitutes passed this information on to their FFI comrades.

It may be startling to realize that such an immoral trade would be so successful. But there's a reason to note that this strategy comes towards the end of the list. It is a "last stand" measure, something to use when all else fails. Even in France, it was used by a people whose army had already been defeated, and even while employing this strategy, the French had to be saved by their allies. All the prostitutes in the world could not reassemble the French army and throw the Nazis out of Paris.

Taking the stratagem negatively, we can see that Sun Tzu had a reason to insist that the commander must be a man of integrity and moral uprightness. The commander who does not commit adultery will be immune to this stratagem. Many Chinese generals made it a point of honor to eat exactly what their men ate while in the field. They did not enjoy luxuries until they were home again, and the war was over. This standard of behavior not only wins over the hearts of the foot soldiers, it also ensures that the commander will not be trapped by luxury.

Sex, drugs, gambling, cash, riches, even sympathy and flattery, are "beauty traps" that will break the will of a leader. Moral integrity and a realistic moral inventory of one's own weaknesses help to keep a person on-track in any struggle.

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